“Declaration of Madrid” published by Amicale Internationale KZ Neuengamme and other International Committees of Nazi extermination and concentration camps on 2 November 2019
“Having taken note of the European Parliament resolution of 19 September 2019 on the Importance of European Remembrance for the future of Europe(2919/2819 RSP), we express our deep concern at the erroneous view of the history of 20th century contained in this text. We see this resolution as an attempt to put the victims of Nazi terror and Stalinism on an unequal footing under the thoughtless term of “totalitarianism”. We will always bow with the deepest respect to the suffering of the victims of Stalinism, but we cannot accept any attempt to conflate the victims of Stalinism and Nazism or to play one group against the other.”
Find the entire declaration here:
english, francais, deutsch, italiano, espanol